Single legs and support legs

Single legs for tables, tables, etc.

We produce single legs for tables, extra beds, table legs, support legs, furniture legs. In addition to standard products, we also make custom-made legs for glass tops.

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Support leg with sheet metal

Single leg – is a support leg, finished on one side with a sheet metal to be screwed to the tabletop, and on the other – a leveling foot in the range of 20 mm, or – in some models – in the range of 100 mm.


We offer round legs with a diameter of fi 50 or fi 60 mm and square legs with a cross-section: 30×30 mm, 40×40 mm, 50×50 mm, 60×60 mm.

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SOLID N1 – leg with a round convex base with a diameter of 455 mm. The riser is a round pipe with a diameter of 80 mm, ending with a sheet metal adapted to screw the top. Leg height – 720 mm. We can make a leg at a different height.

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SOLID N2 – leg with a round convex base with a diameter of 455 mm. The riser is a round pipe with a diameter of 127 mm, ended with a cross to screw the top. Leg height – 720 mm. We can make a leg at a different height.

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SOLID N3 – leg with a round convex base with a diameter of 560 mm. The riser is a round pipe with a diameter of 127 mm, ended with a cross to screw the top. Leg height – 720 mm. We can make a leg at a different height.

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SOLID/FLAT PLATE – leg with a round, flat base with a diameter: 420 mm or 490 mm. The riser is a round pipe with a diameter of 80 mm or 120 mm, ending with a sheet metal for screwing the tabletop.  You can freely combine the selected base with a riser of different diameters.

It is possible to make a flat plate with a diameter of 420 mm from stainless steel.

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SOLID/SQUARE – family of legs single, with a square or rectangular base. The riser is a square profile, finished with a sheet metal for screwing the top. SOLID/SQUARE legs have leveling feet in the range of 15 mm. The standard leg height is 720 mm. However, we make legs to almost any height.

SOLID/SQUARE legs can be made of powder-coated steel or ground stainless steel.

 We offer legs in several sizes of standard base sizes: 350×350 mm, 420×420 mm, 470×470 mm, 790×430 mm (one base, two risers).

solid kwadrat stal szczot scaled


Column frame Impresja on footers.  Division fi 80.

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Furniture leg

Furniture leg

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Józef Małecki

Łubna, ul. Bażantów 1

05-532 Baniocha


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