Prototypes and implementation of serial production

Prototypes and implementation of serial production

We carry out single, prototype and serial orders.

We have a wide range of machines and qualified staff. Our design and technology team, equipped with professional design programs, will be happy to undertake the production of prototypes and implement them into production. We will advise you on how to solve technical problems in the implementation of the project to finally create a product tailored to the customer’s needs.



housings for power supplies, displays, cash deposit machines, touch screens, infokiosks, desktops, machine housings, controller housings for photovoltaics, front panels, perforated covers and various types of brackets, handles, hooks, stands and other metal details. Products – Casmet Systems (






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Józef Małecki

Łubna, ul. Bażantów 1

05-532 Baniocha


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