Frames – T-shaped, made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. They are used as frames for desks and tables. We have 3 basic groups of frames: ART, MARS and IMPRESJA.
Metal frame ART 1 Made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. ART frames have a vertical cable channel. The whole is powder coated. The frames have a leveling range of 20 mm. The riser can be located symmetrically or, as in the picture, asymmetrically.
· Metal frame ART 1 It is characterized by a vertical sheet perforated in squares placed in the frame. In the same pattern, you can order a front blend to the desk.
Metal leg ART 3 Made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. ART frames have a vertical cable channel. The whole is powder coated. The frames have a leveling range of 20 mm. The riser can be located symmetrically or, as in the picture, asymmetrically.
· Metal leg ART 3 It has a vertical perforated sheet metal in diagonal stripes – also for this frame you can order a perforated front blende.
Metal leg ART 4 Made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. ART frames have a vertical cable channel. The whole is powder coated. The frames have a leveling range of 20 mm. The riser can be located symmetrically or, as in the picture, asymmetrically.
· Metal leg ART 4 It is a frame without perforation – vertically it has a smooth sheet.
Metal leg ART 5 Made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. ART frames have a vertical cable channel. The whole is powder coated. The frames have a leveling range of 20 mm. The riser can be located symmetrically or, as in the picture, asymmetrically.
· Metal leg ART 5 – is the simplest frame from the ART family of frames. It is adapted to fill the riser with furniture board.
Stelaż ART 6 Made of rectangular and oval profiles and sheet metal. ART frames have a vertical cable channel. The whole is powder coated. The frames have a leveling range of 20 mm. The riser can be located symmetrically or, as in the picture, asymmetrically.
· Stelaż ART 6 – is a ART 5 frame filled with furniture board.
Metal construction MARS – The frame is made of sheet metal and oval profiles. It has a vertical cable channel. Light and aesthetic frame, looks great, for example, at employee desks.
It is available in the standard version – with the vertical element shifted relative to the lower beam or in the symmetrical version. It has a leveling range of 20 mm.
Metal construction IMPRESJA –The only frame that is available only in a symmetrical version due to the embossed, symmetrical lower paw. Very elegant – gentle lines and embossed lower leg make the frame give the interior a unique taste. The frame has a leveling range of 20 mm – the leveling foot is chrome-plated.
The IMPRESJA frame is equipped with a vertical cable channel. It is available in two versions: IMPRESJA 1 – the vertical cover sheet is smooth and IMPRESJA 2 – the cover sheet has a longitudinal embossing, which gives it additional aesthetics.
The IMPRESJA frame is the only frame that can be equipped with a chrome lower leg – the other elements of the frame are powder coated.
The IMPRESJA frame is available in a version with step height adjustment.
Józef Małecki
Łubna, ul. Bażantów 1
05-532 Baniocha
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